Classroom Management

Class Expectations-

You, Lord, are all I have, and you give me all I need; my future is in your hands. Psalm 16:5

  • Always listen and pay attention to the teacher at all times, especially during instructional time.

  • Always follow directions

  • Always raise your hand before speaking

  • Always strive to do your best work

  • Always be positive, have a good attitude, and make wise choices!!!!

  • Always KAFOTY(Keep All Feet, Hands, and Other Objects To Yourself!)

Individual Rewards

1. Verbal Praise.

2. Classroom privileges

3. Treats( Blessing Box)

Class Rewards

1. Classroom party

2. Game afternoon

3. Class outing


Purple- I made Outstanding Choices

Blue- I made Great Choices

Green- I am Ready to Learn

Yellow- I need to Slow Down and Think about it

Orange- Ms. Tuthill's Choice

Red- Parent Contacted

If you choose to make unwise choices - Proverbs 22:6 ( Train up a child in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

If you choose to Break a Rule

1st time- you receive a verbal warning. ( Grace Given)

2nd time- you will move your CLIP down and lose 5 minutes of recess.

3rd time -you will owe your entire recess, along with an “Action Plan” that must be signed by a parent and returned the next day -Blue Slip

4th time- Miss ALL of a privilege- Phone call or Email home, plus "Think About It" paper that needs to be signed by a parent and returned. Blue Slip

5th -you will be sent to the principal. At this point a behavior contract may be needed

There are some violations that are so serious that the student may need to be sent straight to the Principal's office.